The Cutting Edge Landscaping Retaining Walls
Florence Lane, Newton. 2010. Replaced failing cement wall.
2010- New wall and plantings for pool area.
2010. Built walls and walkway from the front to the backyard.
2010- Sussex Ave., Newton. Wall for off street parking.
2017. East Shore Trail. Sparta. Wall to replace old rail road tie wall for off street parking.
2016. Bluestone wall and steps to create more usable area for backyard.
2016. Wall and Steps to help secure grade of eroding yard and foundation of the house and deck.
2016. Alpine Trail, Sparta.
2016 South Shore Trail. Bluestone wall.
2014. Lake wall. Upper Lake, Lake Mohawk.
2016 Summit Rd. Walls built for off street parking.
2016 Built to replace failing rail road tie wall.
2016 Hillside Rd. Replace old wall. Before and after.
2015. Wall for additional parking and steps to access backyard
2014. East Shore Tr. Sparta. Repair of wall collapse. Before and after.
2014. Wall to help secure grade of eroding yard and foundation of the house and deck. All done by hand due to limited access to the area.
2013. Glenside Trail. Byram. The wall on the left replaced and old wall. The one on the right was installed to hold back an eroding slope from a detached garage.
2012. Summit Terrace. Sparta. Before and after.
2018. This job was done with the Anchorplex System due to the proximity to the house and not enough room for conventional geogrid.
2018. 156 Glenside Trail. Byram. Replace failing rail road tie wall and old steps.
2017. East Shore Trail, Sparta. Replaced failing retaining wall with an upgrade.
2017. Replace failing rail road tie wall.
2016. New steps and wall for main entrance to the house and steps to walk to backyard. Bluestone treads.
2015. Failing wall rebuilt using same material.
2012. Raised patio with freestanding wall and pillars to replace small deck.
2013. Lakeview Road. Sparta. Replace old steps and landing including adding a walkway.
2016. Patio with seating wall.
2016. Emmet Street. Bellville. Created tiered wall for curb appeal, limestone treads and paver overlay of existing cement walkway. Before and after.
2020. Rebuilt a failing wall using same material and adding to it. Faces the woods so is strictly functional.
2019. Replaced failing wall.
2019. Wall along a driveway (trench was dug for electric conduit).
2019-2020. East Shore. This big block wall replaced a failing rail road tie wall.
2019-2020. Lake mohawk. Built this wall along with a deck, custom outdoor kitchen with Mahogany ceiling.
Need a Landscape Design Company in Sparta Township, NJ?
Your landscape can be designed and maintained by our professionals here at The Cutting Edge Landscaping. By creating your ideal landscape design, we’ll turn your landscaping vision into a reality. No matter if you want to modify your current landscape or build a brand-new one from scratch, we’ll handle the full project for you from beginning to end. We began operations in 2000 and became a corporation in 2005. We are federally authorized, fully insured, and registered with Sussex County, New Jersey. Moreover, we hold licenses from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association, and the Department of the Attorney General as home improvement contractors. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!